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9 cute photos to take of your kids this week | Kid photography | Impressed blog

9 Photo Ideas for Kids

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Photography is all about capturing the things, places and people you love. While most parents are snap-happy when it comes to their littles, they often aren’t aware of all the possibilities.  There is no shortage of inspiration out there for creatively capturing the beauty in your babes.  Below, we’ve teamed up with Mingo Kids to share 9 great photo ideas for shots of your kids.  No need to be a pro, or even have a fancy DSLR, just a smartphone will do!  We hope you find them as helpful as we do!

Impressed x Mingo guide | 9 cute photos to take of your kids this week

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5 Kid-Friendly Getaways to Book Now

Posted by | Home Decor, Kids, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments

We can’t believe how quickly summer has been flying by.  And we want need one more getaway. Recently, we were delighted to discover Kid & Coe, a site dedicated to helping you find gorgeous vacation homes that are also family-friendly.  What a difference it makes to get that at-home feeling when far away.

Committed to giving summer one last hurrah, we picked out 5 Labour Day weekend kid-friendly getaways that are still available now! Read More

washi DIY wallpaper by Impressed app

Washi DIY: cross wallpaper project

Posted by | DIY, Home Decor, Kids, Washi Tape | No Comments

We’ve seen a multitude of uses for washi tape with everything ranging from hanging photos, to enhancing your desk chair, and have been pinning like mad about it over the last few months.

For the most part, these washi DIY projects actually turn out really okay because the beauty of washi tape is that it’s wall-safe and removable so any mistake is easily corrected.

If you’re as obsessed with washi as we are, you’ll likely appreciate this effortless washi DIY cross wallpaper project… all for under $12!

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Magazine photo book layout 0

Photo Book Layout: Magazine Style

Posted by | Kids, Photo Books, Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments

It’s no secret that a clean aesthetic is one of the reasons why magazines like Cereal and Kinfolk are so popular. Lately, we’ve been striving to create irresistible photo books that take on a vibe similar to these magazines.  We’ve had loads of practice putting together photo book layouts around here, and as a result, we’ve been able to uncover a few good guidelines.  Today, we’d like to share our knowledge with you so you too can create clean photo books that adopt the same principles as editorial spreads in magazines that you will be proud to show off. Read More


Making Photos with Dad & Instagrammer Michael Pinet

Posted by | Kids, Photography, Tips, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments

Even though we live in the same city, we only know Instagrammer Michael Pinet via pleasant email conversations and his architecturally inclined Instagram account.  The desaturated and texture rich aesthetic of his feed always has us staring at every detail a little longer than usual.

With Father’s Day around the corner, we thought it was only appropriate to delve a little deeper into Michael’s home life as a Dad, and his tips on capturing textures.  Below, Michael explains what it means to make photos…

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DIY Dad Gift: the most personal nightstand

Posted by | DIY, Kids, Photo Prints, Uncategorized | No Comments

With Father’s Day just around the corner, our Pinterest feed is loaded with DIY dad gifts.  Instead of resorting to the usual socks and latest barbecuing accessory, we decided to spend an afternoon sifting through in hopes of finding that perfect unique gift for Dad.

Let’s face it, dads aren’t usually the most design-savvy folks (nor do they care to be).  Inspired by a tutorial we saw for a leather valet tray, we thought we’d grab the kids and give Dad’s nightstand a little personalized makeover.  It’s the first thing he sees when he wakes up and the last before falling asleep, so why not make those moments extra special?

Read on for the 3 elements that make up this sharp and budget friendly DIY Dad gift…

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2 people's legs on the beach playing beach croquet

6 Weekend Activities to Inspire Great Photos (part 2)

Posted by | DIY, Kids, Photography, Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments

Last week, we shared with you part one of our top 6 ideas for weekend escapades that are amusing and photo-worthy.

With the weekend fast-approaching, we’re excited to share with you more weekend activities that’ll get you soaking in that vitamin D, spending quality time with your favorite people and taking great shots to look back on.  

Read on for part two

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6 Weekend Activities to Inspire Great Photos

Posted by | Kids, Photography, Tips, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments

These days, finding and planning that perfect weekend activity gets us going all week, especially if that excursion also happens to be photo-worthy.

During our own quest for fun and unique weekend adventures, we’ve laid out our top 6 ideas for experiences that are amusing and will surely inspire you to take a few snaps… Weekend activities fit for anyone who’s wanting to make the most of the outdoors and the days ahead.  Get ready to take your weekending to the next level, with the first part of our series.

Part two can be found here.

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