Say hello to talented Instagrammer @apebalsom
Posted by Lynne McEachern | Photo Prints, Photography, Travel, Uncategorized | No CommentsThis past week, we were lucky to have Aprille Balsom, the talent behind the @apebalsom Instagram account, take over our feed and give us a little tour of LA on a recent work trip. Besides crisp and cozy photographs, her feed is also chock-full of adventures, fashion and a cute French bulldog named Bug. Below, we get to know Aprille a little bit better and get a glimpse into what makes this girl tick…
Born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
You in 25 words:
I’m a social media-obsessed fashion junkie who likes to document my life in pictures. I also love nothing more than watching movies with my boyfriend & puppy (when I have time).
Where do you currently live and what’s your favorite thing about your city?
I moved to Toronto about 2 ½ years ago for school. I always wanted to live in a bigger city and be in the middle of everything. I love how Toronto is made up of different neighborhoods that are all so different from one another; it gives the city more character.
What do you do for a living?
I currently work at Brandy Melville Canada as the stock manager. I also run their social media and play around with the visuals.
It’s obvious that you have a very creative spirit-what do you do when you encounter a creative block?
I spend a lot of time on social media, partly because it is my job but also because I enjoy it. I always keep a photo album on my phone of images that I come across on Instagram, Pinterest or Tumblr, it’s kind of like a mood board. Outfits I like, home décor, or even the way the photo was taken are some of the reasons why I’ll save an image. Whenever I am in need of a little extra inspiration I will look through the album, it usually does the trick, or I will go shopping. I always get inspired to show off my new shoes or décor I just bought.
Do you remember your first ever Instagram post and how do you feel your feed has evolved since then?
My first post is actually still on my feed. It’s from the night before I moved to Toronto. I took it from my boyfriend’s backyard as the sun was setting. At that point I was using Instagram simply for a personal use and to connect with my friends. After a while, I began to look at my feed more as a way to be creative and started using it as a portfolio. I now focus on showcasing my personal style, travel adventures, favorite foods, and decor taste all with a minimalistic feel. I also try to stay consistent on how my photos are taken, edited, and captioned, it flows a lot better that way.
[My first-ever Instagram post: taken from my boyfriend’s backyard as the sun was setting, the night before I moved to Toronto.]
What do you normally shoot with?
Lately I have been going back and forth between my Canon Rebel T3i and my iPhone 6. I use my iPhone when I am out and on the go, however if I am home or have my camera with me I opt for my Canon.
Do you have a go-to photo-editing app?
Although I use a few different apps to edit, my go-to is definitely Afterlight, it has everything you need and more. I also love how customizable it is.
Top 3 Insta-crushes?
Favorite items for a quick space refresh?
Crisp new bedding: Add a couple pillows, or change your duvet; it can dramatically change a space in an instant. Plus, who doesn’t love fresh new sheets?
Plants, especially cacti: They’re cute, easy to look after, and make every space a little happier. Once your bored of them, change up their placement throughout your home and it will feel like new
Photos: Polaroids, posters, photographs, and prints are all simple and easy ways to add a personal touch to any space. You can add just one or create a wall of photos depending on where you want to put them and your personal taste.
What décor trend are you lusting over at the moment?
I’ve always been a huge lover of white décor, which conveniently seems to be trending right now. I also really love the minimalistic feel, simple and basic, which in my opinion is always in style.
Describe your perfect Sunday?
The perfect Sunday would include waking up without any alarms and exploring a different part of the city with my boyfriend and our puppy, Bug ( Grabbing some food at a new restaurant, doing some shopping, and ending off the day on the sofa watching a movie.
What is currently at the top of your wanderlust wish list?
Right now I’m really obsessing over going to Fiji, it’s so beautiful and exotic. There’s an underwater hotel there that I would love to stay at. I also really want to go on a road trip across America for a few weeks, exploring and taking photos of everything along the way.
With the world as your playground, what is your favorite?
- Bar: Trapper John’s, St. John’s, Newfoundland, it’s one of the top ten pubs in Canada according to Reader’s Digest, plus it’s also a museum.
- Shop: Vintage Stores on Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, the best vintage I have ever shopped.
- People-watching destination: Marina Boardwalk, Benalmadena, Costa Del Sol, Spain. There’s always so much going on- restaurants, street vendors, tourists, the beach. You can sit there with a coffee and a book for hours.
- Date-night spot: Like I said, I love the movies so probably grabbing dinner and catching a movie.
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